These Black Men Are Going Viral For Their Kindness After Inviting Elderly Widow Who Was Dining Alone To Sit At Their Table
A group of Alabama men went viral after they noticed an elderly woman eating alone at a restaurant and invited her to join their table.
In a Facebook post, Jamario Howard said he and his friends went out to dinner on April 18. Once they were seated at their table, they noticed the unidentified woman sitting by herself.
“My exact thoughts was, dang, I’d hate to have to eat alone, so after thinking about it a minute, I walked over to her and asked if I could sit with her,” Howard wrote in the post.
The woman said yes and the two quickly began talking. During their conversation, she explained why she was sitting by herself.
“After a while of talking she told me she lost her husband and that tomorrow would have been their 60th anniversary,” Howard wrote in his Facebook post.
“I instantly gave my condolences and asked her to come eat with us, which she was excited to do,” he added.
The woman then joined Howard and his friends. At the end of their meal, all four snapped a photo together to remember the pleasant occasion.
Howard says the simple act of asking the woman to join their table changed him as a person.
“The point in this is always be kind and be nice to people. You never know what they are going through. This woman changed my outlook on life and how I look at other people. Everyone has a story so do not judge!" he wrote.
He also encouraged everyone to keep in contact with their parents and grandparents.
“People, I can’t stress this enough. GO SEE YOUR MOM AND YOUR GRANDPARENTS. They miss you!!” he wrote.
The photo Howard posted quickly went viral on Facebook, where people applauded him and his friends for their gesture.