How a Cut to Food Stamps Disproportionately Affects Black America

How cuts to the program would affect African-Americans.

What the New Bill Means for Black America - House Republican leaders have long debated the approximately $80 billion spent annually on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. In a 217-210 vote on Thursday, the House voted to slash billions of dollars in the SNAP budget. Here’s a look at what this could mean for African-Americans across the nation. —Dominique Zonyéé  (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Chopped - North Carolina ordered the suspension of November applications for welfare benefits until the federal shutdown is resolved. The state's welfare program, Work First, is funded entirely by the federal government and recipients must reapply each month, Reuters reports.(Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Food Assistance - The bill provides the $82 billion for food stamps mandated by law and $6.6 billion for aid to pregnant and nursing mothers and their children.  (Photo: Tim Boyle/Getty Images)Let Your Interest Be Known - Telling your employer that you want to keep your job after the holidays can be tricky. Start by telling them how much you enjoy the work and explain how you feel you contribute. Also, you can ask for feedback to make yourself a good fit for the company. (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

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What the New Bill Means for Black America - House Republican leaders have long debated the approximately $80 billion spent annually on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. In a 217-210 vote on Thursday, the House voted to slash billions of dollars in the SNAP budget. Here’s a look at what this could mean for African-Americans across the nation. —Dominique Zonyéé  (Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images)