Look: 'I Choose Humor Over Anger' – BET Spoke to the Guy Who Epically Trolled His White Classmates After They Asked for His Seat
Yesterday we told you about Andrew Potter, the Georgia Southern University student who epically trolled his classmates when they asked him to give up his seat for their friend.
BET News caught up with the 20-year-old junior business management major, who told us all the details about what was really running through his mind at the time, and how he's responded to the viral blowup of his story.
Andrew's comedic Twitter tale of how he called a group of white students different names when they asked him to move became an overnight sensation, which he said is quite different from other threads he has posted in the past.
"My older followers know I tweet situations I find myself in almost monthly if not weekly, and it's always good for a couple of chuckles," Andrew said.
When he first put the story up, he was expecting a few people to respond, so he put his phone away and did not give it much thought. However, after class, he picked up his phone and saw that the story took off.
"And my initial response was shock in all honesty," Andrew said of the moment when he first saw the amount of likes and comments. "After class, I see the response I'd gotten from these particular tweets was extremely shocking!"
Andrew also said that at the time, his idea to give them names was a spur of the moment decision and it took the students a while to even realize he was doing it. After the story became a hit, he believes it changed their demeanor in some ways.
"I have seen them in class yesterday and although I didn't ask, I'm positive they are aware the story is viral because the tone I received yesterday was very conservative," Andrew told BET. "Almost as if they didn't want to give me anything else to write about."
When Andrew started calling the students names like Jake, Connor and Brock, they appeared agitated and told him he shouldn't do something so disrespectful. His action could be called offensive or "reverse racism" by some; however, Andrew has a simple response to anyone calling him out.
"I'll say this, since I was young, whenever I find myself confronted with any situation, I choose humor over anger, even if that humor is my own, because it deflates the situation to a point as to where I'm not as angry as I would have been," Andrew told BET. "So when this happened, the name calling was never meant to be offensive, but to make myself laugh so that I didn't get angry and escalate the situation."
Finally, Andrew would like to make it very clear that he in no way believes the situation was racially motivated.
"In fairness to my classmates, they asked me to give up my seat, not because I was Black, but because I was simply not who they intended to have that seat. It wasn't right but I can honestly say I don't believe it had to do with race or white privilege," Andrew said.