Kindergartner Removed From Christian School for Having Two Moms
A five-year-old girl in San Diego is being forced to find all new friends at an entirely new school just because she has two moms.
The pint-sized kindergartener and her two mothers were called into a meeting at Mt. Erie Christian Academy the Friday before her first day, where they were told she could not return. The mothers are not buying it because their daughter attended pre-school and summer school there previously.
Sheena, one of the moms who didn’t want her last name revealed, explained she didn’t even finish the conversation with the school's officials. “I didn’t want to look at them any longer. I just couldn’t believe that they did that,” she explained. "They told us, ‘Oh this is not about your child,’ but it is about my child,” she rebutted.
The private Christian academy, which revised the rules in their student handbook this summer, say they reserve the right to deny anyone based on their beliefs. In the new handbook, the school elaborates, “This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, living in, condoning or supporting sexual immorality; practicing homosexual lifestyle or alternative gender identity; promoting such practices; or otherwise having the inability to support the moral principles of the school.”
The principal of the academy refused to comment on the decision, but a woman who identified herself as the director of the school shared her synopsis of the ruling. “The Bible says homosexuality is a sin. We don’t condone any sinful lifestyles,” she said.
Outraged by the decision, the moms are prepared to fight a civil rights case against Mt. Erie even though the school's decision may be protected.
“If we knew from the beginning that this was unacceptable, they didn’t condone or believe in this, if it was such a big deal, we would have never started her off there,” stay-at-home mom Sheena disputed. “I would never put my child’s emotional well-being in an unstable setting like that.”
Identifying as Christians themselves, Sheena says she doesn’t think there is anything wrong with their "lifestyle."
“What does our family life have to do with anyone else? No one’s gonna be in danger.”
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(Photo: ABC 10 News)