Tami Roman Gets Payday, BBW Cuts Cast Members

Tami inks product endorsement, BBW cast members fired.

While the producers of Basketball Wives semi-clean house, firing four cast members, one star of the franchise reportedly gets a nice payday for, literally, working her butt off.

According to TMZ, Tami Roman was offered a six-figure endorsement deal after she dropped 25 pounds using a certain product. Reportedly, Tami, who had reached a weight of 185 pounds, decided to lose the girth. So after beginning an exercising regimen and eating healthy, the reality star also began using a product called NV Sprinkles. (You sprinkle the powder on your food to supposedly make you eat less.) 

After Roman lost the weight in almost two months, she spoke so often in the press about  NV's effectiveness in helping her, reps from the company approached her about being the celebrity face of the product.

Sources say Tami signed on for a six-figure endorsement deal. Now if only Roman could help several of her former BBW co-workers who’ve been shown the door.

Basketball Wives: L.A
. has reportedly fired four of its six cast members — Gloria GovanLaura GovanMalaysia Pargo and Brooke Bailey — because they weren’t very forthcoming when it came to their realities. Supposedly the housecleaning was spurred by Gloria Govan, who kept producers in the dark about her Vegas nuptials to L.A. Lakers star Matt Barnes

Sources say the wives haven’t been informed of their firing yet, but the producers have already begun the search for replacements. The only cast members returning for the show will be Draya Michele and Jackie Christie. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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(Photo: Enrique RC,

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