‘Get Out’ Star Allison Williams: ‘I’m Never Going to Be Done Learning’ About White Privilege

Plus, Daniel Kaluuya on the paranoia of being Black.

The premiere of the highly anticipated horror film Get Out is only days away and already the movie has people talking. While most can't wait to see the Sundance Film Festival favorite, some have expressed their disdain for the film, stating its racist outlook.

We sat down with the film's two stars, Daniel Kaluuya and Allison Williams, to see what they had to say about what makes Get Out so much more than just another horror film.

Williams spoke on her role in the film, saying, "As a definite representative of privilege and the white girl in the movie, I’m never going to be done learning about it and learning about what it is to live my life versus someone else’s." Adding, "I will never actually be able to know what it’s like to go through life in someone else’s body... To try and to pretend that there’s no difference between where we come from is so dumb."  

Kaluuya touched on how the film perfectly captures how it feels to be the victim of racism, saying, "for me it was kind of like how racism feels in a horror context.  It’s that paranoia, and that’s when you see it the most. Did they mean that? Is that what it is? Am I going crazy?" Adding, "How you can kind of lose your mind and get angry in certain situations because you’ve been bottling it in and internalizing it you it can come out of nowhere and then people think you’re irrational."

Williams also touched on what director Jordan Peele hoped to get out creating a film that deals with racism in 2017. "I think it's really important that people go see it with other people who aren’t like them. That’s part of what Jordan was hoping to get out of this, this group experience."

See Get Out in theaters on February 24 and hear what else the stars discussed about the film with BET Breaks, above.

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