Jesse Williams Dragging Melania Trump Is the Best Thing You'll Read Today

He drops some serious knowledge on the wannabe first lady.

Last night's Republican National Convention had everyone talking for all the wrong reasons. While the racism, bigotry and Hillary-hate were certainly bad enough, the big story of the night was Melania Trump's speech — and the striking similarities it bears to Michelle Obama's 2008 Democractic Convention speech. 
Twitter, of course, noticed the plagiarism immediately and wasted no time dragging Melania for the filth. The hashtag #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes began trending immediately, and the tweets are downright hilarious. But nobody had quite as much fun with it as Jesse Williams, who unleashed a flurry of quotes from Black history, literature and hip-hop and attributed them to the would-be next first lady.

Leave it to Jesse to throw shade and drop knowledge at the same damn time:

...and that's only about half of them. We're LOL-ing thinking of Jesse in front of his TV with his phone in hand, thinking up these quotes. Of course, there are about a million more of these on Twitter, and it's hard to imagine how the Trump campaign is going to spin this one into a win for Donald, as they've tried to do with every other setback. 
To see what a real, original speech looks like, check out Jesse Williams's address at the 2016 BET Awards, above.

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